INICIO  / cement dust on fragaria species

cement dust on fragaria species

Fragaria Genus: Chemical Composition and Biological Activities

2020.1.23  Among the 247 varieties known and listed, only few present commercial interest: Fragaria x ananassa Duchesne (octoploid hybrid-containing 56 chromosomes,

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Chronic cement dust load induce novel damages in

2020.7.22  In summary, our data showed that cement dust load induces abiotic stress and has degradative effects on leaf histology. The

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(PDF) Periodical effect of cement dust pollution on the

2001.1.1  It was concluded that the cement dust had a significant effect on the plant growth. A. indica was found to be less affected by

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Morphological response of a cactus to cement dust pollution

2018.2.1  Previous studies on plants have documented that cement dust deposition can influence plant vegetative growth, the lipid and ionic composition of tissues, and

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Impact of cement dust pollution on - ScienceDirect

2016.9.1  A potential bioindicator species to cement dust pollution is proposed. • Exposure to cement dust causes leaf chlorosis and necrosis in Cedrela fissilis. •

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Impact of cement dust pollution on - ScienceDirect

2016.9.1  Considering the impacts caused to vegetation in the vicinity of cement factories, the aim of this study was to evaluate the impacts of cement dust on the

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Cement Dust - an overview ScienceDirect Topics

Cement Dust. Using 15–20% cement dust with clay and sand along with pressure thermal treatment to reach breaking pressure of 530–940 kg/cm2. From: Sustainable Industrial

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Cement Dust Pollution and Environment SpringerLink

2023.6.25  Leaves of Trifolium species exposed to cement dust pollution have been found to have smaller stomata and higher stomatal density than unexposed plants

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Fragaria - Wikipedia

Fragaria (/ f r ə ˈ ɡ ɛər i. ə /) is a genus of flowering plants in the rose family, Rosaceae, commonly known as strawberries for their edible fruits. There are more than 20 described species and many hybrids and cultivars .

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